AdvancedMath Methods |
The AdvancedMath type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Airy |
Computes both Airy functions and their derivatives.
| |
AiryAi |
Computes the Airy function of the first kind.
| |
AiryAiZero |
Computes the requested zero of the Airy Ai function.
| |
AiryBi |
Computes the Airy function of the second kind.
| |
AiryBiZero |
Computes the requested zero of the Airy Bi (Bairy) function.
| |
Bessel |
Computes both solutions of the Bessel differential equation.
| |
BesselJ(Double, Double) |
Computes the regular Bessel function for real orders.
| |
BesselJ(Int32, Double) |
Computes the regular Bessel function for integer orders.
| |
BesselJZero |
Computes the requested zero of the regular Bessel function.
| |
BesselY(Double, Double) |
Computes the irregual Bessel function for real orders.
| |
BesselY(Int32, Double) |
Computes the irregular Bessel function for integer orders.
| |
Beta(Double, Double) |
Computes the Beta function.
| |
Beta(Double, Double, Double) |
Computes the incomplete Beta function.
| |
CarlsonD |
Computes the Carlson integral RD.
| |
CarlsonF |
Computes the Carslon elliptic integral RF.
| |
CarlsonG |
Computes the Carlson integral RG.
| |
Clausen |
Computes the Clausen integral.
| |
Coulomb |
Computes the regular and irregular Coulomb wave functions and their derivatives.
| |
CoulombF |
Computes the regular Coulomb wave function.
| |
CoulombG |
Computes the irregular Coulomb wave function.
| |
Dawson |
Computes the Dawson integral.
| |
DiLog |
Computes the dilogarathm function, also called Spence's function.
| |
DirichletEta |
Computes the Dirichlet eta function.
| |
EllipticE(Double) |
Computes the complete elliptic integral of the second kind.
| |
EllipticE(Double, Double) |
Computes the incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind.
| |
EllipticF |
Computes the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind.
| |
EllipticK |
Computes the complete elliptic integral of the first kind.
| |
EllipticNome |
Compute the Jacobi nome of the given elliptic modulus.
| |
EllipticPi |
Computes the complete elliptic integral of the third kind.
| |
Erf |
Computes the error function.
| |
Erfc |
Computes the complementary error function.
| |
Fresnel |
Computes the Fresnel cosine and sine integrals.
| |
FresnelC |
Computes the Fresnel cosine integral.
| |
FresnelS |
Computes the Fresnel sine integral.
| |
Gamma(Double) |
Computes the Gamma function.
| |
Gamma(Double, Double) |
Computes the upper incomplete Gamma function.
| |
Hypergeometric2F1 |
Computes the Gauss hypergeometric function.
| |
IntegralCi |
Computes the cosine integral.
| |
IntegralCin |
Computes the entire cosine intgral.
| |
IntegralE |
Computes the generalized exponential integral.
| |
IntegralEi |
Computes the principal value of the exponential integral.
| |
IntegralShi |
Computes the hyperbolic sine integral.
| |
IntegralSi |
Computes the sine integral.
| |
IntegralTi |
Computes the inverse tangent integral.
| |
InverseErf |
Computes the inverse error function.
| |
InverseErfc |
Computes the inverse complementary error function.
| |
JacobiCn |
Compute the Jacobian elliptic function cn.
| |
JacobiDn |
Compute the Jacobian elliptic function dn.
| |
JacobiSn |
Computes the Jacobian elliptic function sn.
| |
LambertW |
Computes the Lambert W function.
| |
LeftRegularizedBeta |
Computes the regularized incomplete Beta function.
| |
LeftRegularizedGamma |
Computes the normalized lower (left) incomplete Gamma function.
| |
LogBeta |
Computes the logarithm of the Beta function.
| |
LogGamma |
Computes the natural logarithm of the Gamma function.
| |
ModifiedBessel |
Computes modified cylindrical Bessel functions.
| |
ModifiedBesselI |
Computes the regular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
| |
ModifiedBesselK |
Computes the irregular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
| |
Pochhammer |
Computes the Pochammer symbol (x)y.
| |
PolyLog |
Computes the polylogarithm function.
| |
Psi(Double) |
Computes the digamma function.
| |
Psi(Int32, Double) |
Computes the polygamma function.
| |
RiemannZeta |
Computes the Riemann zeta function.
| |
RightRegularizedGamma |
Computes the normalized upper (right) incomplete Gamma function.
| |
ScaledModifiedBesselI |
Computes the exponentially re-scaled regular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
| |
ScaledModifiedBesselK |
Computes the exponentially re-scaled irregular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
| |
SphericalBesselJ |
Computes the regular spherical Bessel function of integer order.
| |
SphericalBesselY |
Computes the irregular spherical Bessel function of integer order.
| |
SphericalHarmonic |
Computes the value of a spherical harmonic function.