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AdvancedMath Class

Contains methods that compute advanced functions with real arguments.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Meta.Numerics.Functions
Assembly:  Meta.Numerics (in Meta.Numerics.dll) Version: 4.1.4
public static class AdvancedMath

The AdvancedMath type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAiry
Computes both Airy functions and their derivatives.
Public methodStatic memberAiryAi
Computes the Airy function of the first kind.
Public methodStatic memberAiryAiZero
Computes the requested zero of the Airy Ai function.
Public methodStatic memberAiryBi
Computes the Airy function of the second kind.
Public methodStatic memberAiryBiZero
Computes the requested zero of the Airy Bi (Bairy) function.
Public methodStatic memberBessel
Computes both solutions of the Bessel differential equation.
Public methodStatic memberBesselJ(Double, Double)
Computes the regular Bessel function for real orders.
Public methodStatic memberBesselJ(Int32, Double)
Computes the regular Bessel function for integer orders.
Public methodStatic memberBesselJZero
Computes the requested zero of the regular Bessel function.
Public methodStatic memberBesselY(Double, Double)
Computes the irregual Bessel function for real orders.
Public methodStatic memberBesselY(Int32, Double)
Computes the irregular Bessel function for integer orders.
Public methodStatic memberBeta(Double, Double)
Computes the Beta function.
Public methodStatic memberBeta(Double, Double, Double)
Computes the incomplete Beta function.
Public methodStatic memberCarlsonD
Computes the Carlson integral RD.
Public methodStatic memberCarlsonF
Computes the Carslon elliptic integral RF.
Public methodStatic memberCarlsonG
Computes the Carlson integral RG.
Public methodStatic memberClausen
Computes the Clausen integral.
Public methodStatic memberCoulomb
Computes the regular and irregular Coulomb wave functions and their derivatives.
Public methodStatic memberCoulombF
Computes the regular Coulomb wave function.
Public methodStatic memberCoulombG
Computes the irregular Coulomb wave function.
Public methodStatic memberDawson
Computes the Dawson integral.
Public methodStatic memberDiLog
Computes the dilogarathm function, also called Spence's function.
Public methodStatic memberDirichletEta
Computes the Dirichlet eta function.
Public methodStatic memberEllipticE(Double)
Computes the complete elliptic integral of the second kind.
Public methodStatic memberEllipticE(Double, Double)
Computes the incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind.
Public methodStatic memberEllipticF
Computes the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind.
Public methodStatic memberEllipticK
Computes the complete elliptic integral of the first kind.
Public methodStatic memberEllipticNome
Compute the Jacobi nome of the given elliptic modulus.
Public methodStatic memberEllipticPi
Computes the complete elliptic integral of the third kind.
Public methodStatic memberErf
Computes the error function.
Public methodStatic memberErfc
Computes the complementary error function.
Public methodStatic memberFresnel
Computes the Fresnel cosine and sine integrals.
Public methodStatic memberFresnelC
Computes the Fresnel cosine integral.
Public methodStatic memberFresnelS
Computes the Fresnel sine integral.
Public methodStatic memberGamma(Double)
Computes the Gamma function.
Public methodStatic memberGamma(Double, Double)
Computes the upper incomplete Gamma function.
Public methodStatic memberHypergeometric2F1
Computes the Gauss hypergeometric function.
Public methodStatic memberIntegralCi
Computes the cosine integral.
Public methodStatic memberIntegralCin
Computes the entire cosine intgral.
Public methodStatic memberIntegralE
Computes the generalized exponential integral.
Public methodStatic memberIntegralEi
Computes the principal value of the exponential integral.
Public methodStatic memberIntegralShi
Computes the hyperbolic sine integral.
Public methodStatic memberIntegralSi
Computes the sine integral.
Public methodStatic memberIntegralTi
Computes the inverse tangent integral.
Public methodStatic memberInverseErf
Computes the inverse error function.
Public methodStatic memberInverseErfc
Computes the inverse complementary error function.
Public methodStatic memberJacobiCn
Compute the Jacobian elliptic function cn.
Public methodStatic memberJacobiDn
Compute the Jacobian elliptic function dn.
Public methodStatic memberJacobiSn
Computes the Jacobian elliptic function sn.
Public methodStatic memberLambertW
Computes the Lambert W function.
Public methodStatic memberLeftRegularizedBeta
Computes the regularized incomplete Beta function.
Public methodStatic memberLeftRegularizedGamma
Computes the normalized lower (left) incomplete Gamma function.
Public methodStatic memberLogBeta
Computes the logarithm of the Beta function.
Public methodStatic memberLogGamma
Computes the natural logarithm of the Gamma function.
Public methodStatic memberModifiedBessel
Computes modified cylindrical Bessel functions.
Public methodStatic memberModifiedBesselI
Computes the regular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
Public methodStatic memberModifiedBesselK
Computes the irregular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
Public methodStatic memberPochhammer
Computes the Pochammer symbol (x)y.
Public methodStatic memberPolyLog
Computes the polylogarithm function.
Public methodStatic memberPsi(Double)
Computes the digamma function.
Public methodStatic memberPsi(Int32, Double)
Computes the polygamma function.
Public methodStatic memberRiemannZeta
Computes the Riemann zeta function.
Public methodStatic memberRightRegularizedGamma
Computes the normalized upper (right) incomplete Gamma function.
Public methodStatic memberScaledModifiedBesselI
Computes the exponentially re-scaled regular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
Public methodStatic memberScaledModifiedBesselK
Computes the exponentially re-scaled irregular modified cylindrical Bessel function.
Public methodStatic memberSphericalBesselJ
Computes the regular spherical Bessel function of integer order.
Public methodStatic memberSphericalBesselY
Computes the irregular spherical Bessel function of integer order.
Public methodStatic memberSphericalHarmonic
Computes the value of a spherical harmonic function.
Public fieldStatic memberApery
Apéry's constant.
Public fieldStatic memberCatalan
Catalan's constant.
Public fieldStatic memberEulerGamma
The Euler constant.
Public fieldStatic memberGoldenRatio
The golden ratio.

This static class provides an enormous number of advanced functions.

If you need to compute one of these functions with a complex argument, see AdvancedComplexMath.

If you need to compute one of these functions with extended precision, see AdvancedDoubleDoubleMath.

Functions to evaluate orthogonal polynomials can be found in OrthogonalPolynomials.

See Also