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ChiDistribution Class

Represents a χ distribution.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Meta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions
Assembly:  Meta.Numerics (in Meta.Numerics.dll) Version: 4.1.4
public sealed class ChiDistribution : ContinuousDistribution

The ChiDistribution type exposes the following members.

Public methodChiDistribution
Initializes a new χ distribution.
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedom
Gets the number of degrees of freedom ν of the distribution.
Public propertyExcessKurtosis
Gets the excess kurtosis of the distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDistribution.)
Public propertyMean
Gets the mean of the distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDistribution.)
Public propertyMedian
Gets the median of the distribution.
(Inherited from ContinuousDistribution.)
Public propertySkewness
Gets the skewness of the distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDistribution.)
Public propertyStandardDeviation
Gets the standard deviation of the distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDistribution.)
Public propertySupport
Gets the interval over which the distribution is non-vanishing.
(Overrides ContinuousDistributionSupport.)
Public propertyVariance
Gets the variance of the distribution.
(Overrides UnivariateDistributionVariance.)
Public methodCentralMoment
Computes a central moment of the distribution.
(Inherited from ContinuousDistribution.)
Public methodCumulant
Computes a cumulant of the distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDistribution.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExpectationValue
Computes the expectation value of the given function.
(Inherited from ContinuousDistribution.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRandomValue
Generates a random variate.
(Inherited from ContinuousDistribution.)
Public methodGetRandomValues
Generates the given number of random variates.
(Inherited from ContinuousDistribution.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHazard
Computes the hazard function.
(Inherited from ContinuousDistribution.)
Public methodInverseLeftProbability
Returns the point at which the cumulative distribution function attains a given value.
(Overrides ContinuousDistributionInverseLeftProbability(Double).)
Public methodInverseRightProbability
Returns the point at which the right probability function attains the given value.
(Overrides ContinuousDistributionInverseRightProbability(Double).)
Public methodLeftProbability
Returns the cumulative probability to the left of (below) the given point.
(Overrides ContinuousDistributionLeftProbability(Double).)
Public methodProbabilityDensity
Returns the probability density at the given point.
(Overrides ContinuousDistributionProbabilityDensity(Double).)
Public methodRawMoment
Computes a raw moment of the distribution.
(Overrides ContinuousDistributionRawMoment(Int32).)
Public methodRightProbability
Returns the cumulative probability to the right of (above) the given point.
(Overrides ContinuousDistributionRightProbability(Double).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

The χ distribution is the distribution of the magnitude of a ν-dimensional vector whose individual components are normally distributed.

Since the distribution of the same sum of squares without taking the square root is called the χ2 distribution, (ChiSquaredDistribution), this distribution is called the χ distribution.

The particular case with ν = 2 is the RayleighDistribution.

See Also