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Sample Methods

The Sample type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(IEnumerableDouble)
Adds multiple values to the sample.
Public methodAdd(Double)
Adds a value to the sample.
Public methodAdd(Double)
Adds multiple values to the sample.
Public methodCentralMoment
Computes the given sample central moment.
Public methodClear
Remove all values from the sample.
Public methodContains
Determines whether the sample contains the given value.
Public methodCopy
Copies the sample.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFisherFTest
Tests whether the variances of two samples are compatible.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Gets an enumerator of sample values.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInverseLeftProbability
Gets the sample value corresponding to a given percentile score.
Public methodKolmogorovSmirnovTest(ContinuousDistribution)
Tests whether the sample is compatible with the given distribution.
Public methodStatic memberKolmogorovSmirnovTest(Sample, Sample)
Tests whether the sample is compatible with another sample.
Public methodStatic memberKruskalWallisTest(Sample)
Performs a Kruskal-Wallis test on the given samples.
Public methodStatic memberKruskalWallisTest(IReadOnlyListSample)
Performs a Kruskal-Wallis test on the given samples.
Public methodKuiperTest
Tests whether the sample is compatible with the given distribution.
Public methodLeftProbability
Gets the fraction of values equal to or less than the given value.
Public methodStatic memberMannWhitneyTest
Tests whether one sample median is compatible with another sample median.
Public methodMaximumLikelihoodFit
Performs a maximum likelihood fit.
Public methodStatic memberOneWayAnovaTest(Sample)
Performs a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Public methodStatic memberOneWayAnovaTest(IReadOnlyCollectionSample)
Performs a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Public methodPopulationCentralMoment
Estimates the given population central moment from the sample.
Public methodPopulationRawMoment
Estimates the given population raw moment from the sample.
Public methodRawMoment
Computes the given sample raw moment.
Public methodRemove
Removes a given value from the sample.
Public methodShapiroFranciaTest
Performs a Shapiro-Francia test of normality on the sample.
Public methodSignTest
Tests whether the sample median is compatible with the given reference value.
Public methodCode exampleStudentTTest(Double)
Tests whether the sample mean is compatible with the reference mean.
Public methodStatic memberStudentTTest(Sample, Sample)
Tests whether one sample mean is compatible with another sample mean.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform
Transforms all values using a user-supplied function.
Public methodStatic memberTwoWayAnovaTest
Performs a two-way analysis of variance.
Public methodCode exampleZTest
Performs a z-test.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCentralMoment
Computes the given sample central moment.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodCorrectedStandardDeviation
Computes the Bessel-corrected standard deviation.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMaximum
Finds the maximum value.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMean
Computes the sample mean.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMinimum
Finds the minimum value.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationCentralMoment
Estimates the given central moment of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationMean
Estimates the mean of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationRawMoment
Estimates the given raw moment of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationStandardDeviation
Estimates of the standard deviation of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationVariance
Estimates of the variance of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodRawMoment
Computes the given sample raw moment.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodSignTest
Tests whether the sample median is compatible with the given reference value.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodSkewness
Computes the sample skewness.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodStandardDeviation
Computes the sample standard deviation.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleStudentTTest
Tests whether the sample mean is compatible with the reference mean.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodVariance
Computes the sample variance.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleZTest
Performs a z-test to test whether the given sample is compatible with the given normal reference population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
See Also