Bivariate Methods |
The Bivariate type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CorrelationCoefficient |
Computes the correlation coefficient between the two variables.
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Covariance |
Computes the covariance of the two variables.
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CrosstabsR, C |
Produces a cross-tabulation.
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KendallTauTest |
Performs a Kendall concordance test for association.
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LinearLogisticRegression |
Computes the best-fit linear logistic regression from the data.
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LinearRegression |
Computes the best-fit linear regression from the data.
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NonlinearRegression(IReadOnlyListDouble, IReadOnlyListDouble, FuncIReadOnlyDictionaryString, Double, Double, Double, IReadOnlyDictionaryString, Double) |
Finds the parameterized function that best fits the data.
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NonlinearRegression(IReadOnlyListDouble, IReadOnlyListDouble, FuncIReadOnlyListDouble, Double, Double, IReadOnlyListDouble) |
Finds the parameterized function that best fits the data.
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PairedStudentTTest |
Performs a paired Student t-test.
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PearsonRTest |
Performs a Pearson correlation test for association.
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PolynomialRegression |
Computes the polynomial of given degree which best fits the data.
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PopulationCovariance |
Estimates the covariance of the two variables in the population.
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SpearmanRhoTest |
Performs a Spearman rank-order test of association between the two variables.
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WilcoxonSignedRankTest |
Performs a Wilcoxon signed rank test.