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MoreMath Methods

The MoreMath type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCos
Computes the cosine of the given value to full significance over the full range of arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCosPi
Computes the cosine of the given multiple of π.
Public methodStatic memberExpMinusOne
Computes ex-1.
Public methodStatic memberHypot
Computes the length of a right triangle's hypotenuse.
Public methodStatic memberLogOnePlus
Computes log(1+x).
Public methodStatic memberMod
Returns the value of n mod m.
Public methodStatic memberPow
Raises an argument to an integer power.
Public methodStatic memberSin
Computes the sine of the given value to full significance over the full range of arguments.
Public methodStatic memberSinc
Computes the sinc function.
Public methodStatic memberSincPi
Computes the sinc of the given multiple of π.
Public methodStatic memberSinPi
Computes the sine of the given multiple of π.
Public methodStatic memberSqr
Computes x2.
See Also