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AnyVector Methods

The AnyVector type exposes the following members.

Public methodColumn
Gets a copy of the specified column.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the given object is an equal matrix.
(Inherited from AnyMatrixT.)
Public methodEquals(AnyMatrixT)
Determines whether the given matrix equals the current matrix.
(Inherited from AnyMatrixT.)
Public methodFill
Sets all matrix entries according to a supplied fill function.
(Inherited from AnyMatrixT.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFrobeniusNorm
Computes the Frobenius-norm of the matrix.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Gets an enumerator of the vector components.
Public methodGetHashCode
Not a valid operation.
(Inherited from AnyMatrixT.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInfinityNorm
Computes the ∞-norm of the matrix.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Public methodMaxNorm
Computes the max-norm of the matrix.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMultiplySelfByTranspose
Computes the product of the matrix and its transpose.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Public methodMultiplyTransposeBySelf
Computes the product of the matrix's transpose and itself.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Public methodNorm
Computes the magnitude of the vector.
Public methodOneNorm
Computes the 1-norm of the matrix.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Public methodRow
Gets a copy of the specified row.
(Inherited from AnyRectangularMatrix.)
Public methodToArray
Returns the vector elements in an independent array.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAutocovarianceOverloaded.
Computes the auto-covariance for all lags.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodAutocovariance(Int32)Overloaded.
Computes the auto-covariance of the series at the given lag.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodCentralMoment
Computes the given sample central moment.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodCorrectedStandardDeviation
Computes the Bessel-corrected standard deviation.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodCorrelationCoefficient
Computes the correlation coefficient between the two variables.
(Defined by Bivariate.)
Public Extension MethodCovariance
Computes the covariance of the two variables.
(Defined by Bivariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToAR1
Fits an AR(1) model to the time series.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodFitToBeta
Finds the Beta distribution that best fits the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToExponential
Finds the exponential distribution that best fits the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToGamma
Finds the Gamma distribution that best fits the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToGumbel
Find the Gumbel distribution that best fit the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToLognormal
Finds the log-normal distribution that best fits the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToMA1
Fits an MA(1) model to the time series.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodFitToNormal
Finds the normal distribution that best fits the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToRayleigh
Finds the Rayleigh distribution that best fits the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToWald
Finds the Wald distribution that best fits a sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodFitToWeibull
Finds the Weibull distribution that best fits the given sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodInterquartileRange
Finds the interquartile range.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodInverseLeftProbability
Finds the sample value corresponding to a given percentile.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodKolmogorovSmirnovTest
Tests whether the sample is compatible with the given distribution.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodKuiperTest
Tests whether the sample is compatible with the given distribution.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodLeftProbability
Gets the fraction of values equal to or less than the given value.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodLinearRegression
Computes the best-fit linear regression from the data.
(Defined by Bivariate.)
Public Extension MethodLjungBoxTestOverloaded.
Performs a Ljung-Box test for non-correlation.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodLjungBoxTest(Int32)Overloaded.
Performs a Ljung-Box test for non-correlation with the given number of lags.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodMaximum
Finds the maximum value.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMaximumLikelihoodFit
Finds the parameters that make an arbitrary, parameterized distribution best fit the sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMean
Computes the sample mean.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMedian
Finds the median.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMinimum
Finds the minimum value.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodMultiLinearRegression(IReadOnlyDictionaryString, IReadOnlyListDouble)Overloaded.
Performs a multivariate linear regression on the named columns.
(Defined by Multivariate.)
Public Extension MethodMultiLinearRegression(IReadOnlyListDouble)Overloaded.
Performs a multivariate linear regression.
(Defined by Multivariate.)
Public Extension MethodNonlinearRegression(IReadOnlyListDouble, FuncIReadOnlyDictionaryString, Double, Double, Double, IReadOnlyDictionaryString, Double)Overloaded.
Finds the parameterized function that best fits the data.
(Defined by Bivariate.)
Public Extension MethodNonlinearRegression(IReadOnlyListDouble, FuncIReadOnlyListDouble, Double, Double, IReadOnlyListDouble)Overloaded.
Finds the parameterized function that best fits the data.
(Defined by Bivariate.)
Public Extension MethodPolynomialRegression
Computes the polynomial of given degree which best fits the data.
(Defined by Bivariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationCentralMoment
Estimates the given central moment of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationCovariance
Estimates the covariance of the two variables in the population.
(Defined by Bivariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationMean
Estimates the mean of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationRawMoment
Estimates the given raw moment of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationStandardDeviation
Estimates of the standard deviation of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPopulationVariance
Estimates of the variance of the underlying population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodPowerSpectrum
Computes the power spectrum of the time series.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodRawMoment
Computes the given sample raw moment.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodSeriesPopulationStatistics
Computes estimates for the moments of the population from which the time series is drawn.
(Defined by Series.)
Public Extension MethodShapiroFranciaTest
Performs a Shapiro-Francia test of normality on the sample.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodSignTest
Tests whether the sample median is compatible with the given reference value.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodSkewness
Computes the sample skewness.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodStandardDeviation
Computes the sample standard deviation.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleStudentTTest
Tests whether the sample mean is compatible with the reference mean.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodTrimean
Finds the tri-mean.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodVariance
Computes the sample variance.
(Defined by Univariate.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleZTest
Performs a z-test to test whether the given sample is compatible with the given normal reference population.
(Defined by Univariate.)
See Also